``I no longer blame myself. I know it was not my fault.``

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Sexual violence can affect anyone at any time in their lives, regardless of age, gender, social background, ethnic background, religion or belief, disability, or sexual orientation.

Sexual violence is any form of unwanted sexual act or activity.

Legislation in Wales defines sexual violence as rape, contact and non-contact sexual abuse, sexual exploitation and sexual assault.

There are many forms of sexual violence, and every person who experiences sexual violence will be affected differently. There are also many myths and misunderstandings around sexual violence. This can make it difficult to know if what happened to you was sexual violence.

Sexual violence can be committed by someone you know, including members of your family, and can happen within relationships. Sexual violence can also be committed by a stranger.

Sexual violence can happen to adults and children. Sexual violence mostly affects women and can be a gendered issue, however some people are not aware that sexual violence also affects men and non-binary people, and our services are for everyone.

We hope this list can help you to get the support you need.

Forms of sexual violence
What is consent?

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If you have been affected by sexual violence, we are here for you.

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